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STEM after school class on robotics and coding for kids in Silver Spring Maryland

Hi everyone,

You live in the Washington DC area (Maryland, Washington DC and Virginia) and want to spend some times on STEM project. You are a t the right place.

Robotics and coding after-school for kids in Silver Spring Maryland

We Makersgeneration organises for you and your kids a free robotics after-school class in Silver Spring Maryland at the library.

It will be on Monday May 6th 2018 from 7 to 8 pm at the Silver Spring library at the following adress:

  • 900 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910 (3rd floor, room 3-1)

Program robotics after-school

The program for the STEM class will be the following with the kids:

  • Intro to robotics

  • Intro to coding

  • Intro to sofware coding

  • Use of a robot

  • Game creation

  • Team work

If your kids are 7 years old and older, this is a good thing to do to teach STEM, coding and robotics. You are more than welcome if you live in Silver Spring Maryland, Washington DC or Virginia.

You can subscribe to our STEM robotics after-school with the following link : STEM robotics class for kids in Silver Spring Maryland

Hope to see you soon on May 6th 2019 for this STEM event at the Silver Spring Library in Maryland.

STEM summer camp 2019 in the Washington DC area

It is also a good time to think about the summer camps for your children for those of you living in the washington DC area. Have a look on our program with the following link: STEM summer camps 2019 - things to do in DC with kids

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See you very soon for more articles, tutorials and events.


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