Maryland STEM Festival 2018 - STEM 3D Printing after-school for kids in Silver Spring MarylandCome join us at multiple STEM after-school even,ts for your kids on robotics, 3d printing, coding and more for you living in washington DC,
How to make a piano with an arduino uno board: STEM activities for kids and adultsHi my friends, Summer is about to be finished but we still have this joy to share more with you even by knowing that the fall is...
STEM after-school program for children on robotics in Maryland and Washington DCCome join us for a STEM after-school program on robotics at the Silver Spring library in MAryland. It will be open for kids from 8 years old
STEM 3D modelisation for 3D printing after-school in Silver Spring Maryland and Washington DC for chWe are happy to share with you this STEM after-school on 3D modelisation for 3D printing for your children. it will be in Silver Spring Mary