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How to make a flashlight with a Littlebits electronics board and a paper towel roll with your kids
Your kids want to learn how to make a flashlight form scratch with littlebits electronics board and more. Read this step-by-step tut

How to draw and create a character for your video game on Scratch
You learn how to code. Scratch is a great way to get started. But what about modifying the interface a little bit by changing or create ...

How to get started with 3d Scanning to scan objects and 3D print them
3D scanning is easy When I got started with 3D printing, yes I said 3D printing and not 3D scanning (Because I started 3D printing way...

What tablet to choose for your kids when talking STEM and why?
Introduction Tablets. Since Steve Jobs introduced the 1st tablet in 2011, they just blew our mind ever since. What is that little...
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