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Online live coding class for kids: Learn to code from scratch - STEM - 12
Hello, Welcome back to the Makersgeneration world. To better serve you and your children, we have put together for you a nice online...

Online live coding class for kids: Learn to code from scratch - STEM - 11
Your children want to learn how to code a video game from scratch. Come join us for online coding classes on learning how to code from scrat

How to draw and create a character for your video game on Scratch
You learn how to code. Scratch is a great way to get started. But what about modifying the interface a little bit by changing or create ...

Online live coding class for kids: Learn to code from scratch - STEM - 10
Hey Hey, Welcome welcome. Like every week, we have great news for you and your kids. They want to learn how to code from scratch and...

How to get started with 3d Scanning to scan objects and 3D print them
3D scanning is easy When I got started with 3D printing, yes I said 3D printing and not 3D scanning (Because I started 3D printing way...

Online live coding class for kids: Learn to code from scratch - STEM - 9
Hey all of you , Thank you for reading and share the events with us If you are here, it's maybe because your children like STEM or maybe...
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