Online event - STEM Show-and-Tell on how to make code a Raspberry pi board and control a servomotor and make a robot
2 robots for coding: Best programming language for kids in 2024
Activities in DC this weekend for kids - STEM event for kids on coding and robotics in Washington DC
Experience Raspberry pi 5 event - STEM Show-and-Tell in Washington DC
Fall STEM Festival in Maryland for students and kids - Learn how to code and robotics
What should you buy first if your child is ready to start STEM activities?
STEM after school class on robotics and coding for kids in Silver Spring Maryland
Nvidia Jetson Nano developer kit: A $99 board Low cost board for Artificial intelligence
STEM Fair for kids at the East Silver Spring Elementary school in Maryland - robotics, coding and mo
Sameday Bot: The Autonomous delivery robot working with Artificial Intelligence developped by fedex