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Handle: The new secret wheeled robot by Google Boston Dynamics leaks on internet

Hello everyone,

Welcome to another article that was not supposed to be on the news. What i'm talking about is the robot leak video that happened last week at Google Boston Dynamics the research laboratory for robots (Atlas, the dog, Petman, Big dog, Wild cat, Sand Flea...).

That robot "Handle" created by Google in that video is really surprising. It moves with 2 wheels, got close to an human being type of shape, can jump, keep it's balance to improve it's stability, roll at an high speed and at the same time avoid obstacles on it's way.

We have already been surprised by Google Boston Dynamics with it's previous robots like:

  • Petman: A humanoid robot that moves like human being. A first big step when we know that most of the robot move like robots. What a surprise!!! ;-)

  • Spot Mini: This robot dog move like a 4 legged animal but has an arm instead of an head to grab objects

  • And many more, more surprising that the previous before. :-)

The leak seems to be a nightmare for Boston dynamics. But all that say one thing, the future promises to be spicy about robotic innovation and we keep an eye open to let know the good coming on internet and the maker world.

You can have an idea of the different robots made by Boston Dynamics with the following: Robot Create by Boston dynamics

A video of the project is availabe just at the end of the article for you.

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