Online STEM event for kid- Learn how to make a alarm-timer with electronic components in 15 minutes

Welcome back or welcome if it's your first time on the website. ,
This website focuses on STEM for children by sharing simple tutorials on robotics, coding, electronics and more and also doing online events on STEM for the kids. It's your day of luck because the next one is coming very soon.
Online STEM activities
On Saturday, February 12th 2021 at 4 PM (Eastern time), An online event will be host focusing on STEM and electronics for your children. During 25-30 minutes, we will share with you and your children on electronic components what can de done with them.

This will be an online show and Tell where I will explain step-by-step how to make a timer with electronic components and cardboard from scratch and have it move around. It's going to be fun!!!
You do not need previous knowledge to join.

All you need is:
A computer
An internet connection
A browser installed on your computer (Firefox, Chrome or others)
An internet connection
And a Facebook account
How to connect to the event
When connected to Facebook, you should access the live when receiving a notification that the event is going live.
Link to the Facebook event: Facebook event_how to make a windmill with cardboard and electronics
Schedule of the event
Program of the event:
An introduction to electronic components
How to wires electronic components
How to calculate the time for the timer (They will maybe need your help in the future to do the project at home)
Test the electronic schematic
Try different timers

Come join the event online and live
If your children are somehow between 7 years old and older and are desire to learn how to make a alarm-timer from scratch with objects we use at home . Come join us for 30 minutes from 4 pm to 4:30 pm on:
Saturday, February 12th 2022.
The class will be on Facebook live. Make sure you register to the event and also share the information with your family and friends so their children can learn how to a timer with electronic components.
More online STEM events are coming next months for your children such as:
Learn how to code
Create video games
Hands-on activities
Robotics and more
Newsletter, follow, subscribe and like the social medias
Subscribe to the newsletter and Social medias for updates Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of our website '''' for more events, tutorials and freebies.
Subscribe to the Facebook group if you have yet registered. Content and tutorials are shared daily: Create and build STEM project for kids
We can be reached at: if any questions.
See you on soon.