Online live coding class for kids: Learn how to code from scratch - STEM - 2

Hi parents,
thanks for tuning in.
It is to announce you the 2nd part of the coding class that we have started this week-end. It will focus on coding for kids who are beginners and do not even need to be with us that last Saturday 9october 24th). What you and your kids will need for the class are the following:
A computer
An internet connection
The Zoom application pre-install on your computer ( It does take some time to install)
and a browser ( I advise you "Google Chrome'' to start)
In this course, will see:
The basis of coding
First approach to the coding interface
And their first code
If your children are somehow between 7 and 12 years old and are desire to learn how to code. Come join us for 30 minutes from 4 pm to 4:30 pm on:
Saturday, October 31st 2020.
The class will be on Zoom. For those of you who don’t know zoom, it’s an online video platform (Don’t forget to download the app before the class, smartphone, tablet or computer). Have a look at “”.
Make sure you register with this link and ID and password will be sent to your email to access the online coding class this Saturday for your children with this link: Free online coding classes for kid
Share the information with your family and friends so their children can learn how to code from scratch as well for free.
More STEM online events are coming next weeks for your children such as: learn how to code, create video games, electronics, hands-on craft, learn how to use 3D modeling and for free.
Halloween coming soon, check out our Halloween projects. You can support it getting one of them that you like.
Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter at the bottom of our website '''' for more events, tutorials and freebies.
You can also see weekly activities on our social media by subscribing: Facebook, Twitter, instagram and youtube.
We can be reached at: if any questions.
See you on Saturday. ;-)