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Things to do in DC: STEM after-school for kids in Silver Spring Maryland: How to build a catapult

Hey there,

How is everything.

June is about to be finished and there is July. Summer time and more outdoor activies with the kids for this warm weather.

We have a special one coming for you living in Washington DC, Maryland and Nothern Virginia like all the STEM activities we did in the past (coding, robotics, droning, 3d printing and more).

It will be a hands-on activities where we will see step-by-step how to build a small catapult with: glue, popsicle sticks, rubber bands, spoons and more.

If your children are 4 years old and more and like tinkering, STEM activities, robotics, how to code and live in the Washington DC area, please come join us on July 2nd 2019 at 7pm at the following adress:

  • 1 Veterans Pl, Silver Spring, MD 20910

Don't forget to subscribe with the following link: Things to do in DC with your children - How to build a catapult

Share the info with your friends, Family, neighbors.

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I can be reach at the following adress if you have any questions:

See you soon for more articles.