STEM 3D modeling for 3D printing after-school for kids in Silver Spring Maryland

Hi there,
It's summer time and time to go outside with your family.You live in Washington DC , Maryland or Virginia and have kids and want to do more STEM activities with your children such as robotics, 3d printing, coding and more.
If your children are 7 years old and older, come join us in Silver Spring Maryland for a 3D modeling after-school at the library.
It Includes:
Use an free 3D software to design objects
Design an object for 3D printing
Intro to 3D modeling
Intro to the software
and more
The STEM 3D modeling for 3D printing After-school will be held on July 1st 2019 from 7 to 8 pm.

It will be at :
Silver-Spring Library, room 3-1, 3rd floor, 900 Wayne avenue, Silver Spring Maryland, 20910.
You can subscribe with the following link: STEM 3D modeling after-school in Maryland for kids
Stay tuned for more STEM activities in the Washington DC area.
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See you at the library in Maryland and our website for more STEM actvities with your children.
We remain available if you have any questions. Our email is the following: