National week of making 2019: After-school for kids on coding in Silver Spring maryland

Hey people,
From June 19th to June 27th, It's national week of making. As usual we make some STEM activities for you and your kids if you live in the Washington DC area ( DC, maryland and Nothern Virginia). Usually 3d printing, robotics, coding, electronics, Hands-on activities and more.
The 1st one will be on how to code and will be hosted at the Silver Spring Library in Maryland. If your kids are 7 years old and older, please bring them for a fun educative experience from 7 to 8 pm on June 24th 2019 at the following adress:
900 Wayne avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910
On the 3rd floor, room 3-1
We will focus on:
An intro on How to code
An intro to the software
Make our 1st program
Apply what we have learned and have fun
And more
In you live in Washington DC, Maryland or Nothern Virginia and love STEM activities(coding, robotics, electronics and more), Please subcribe with the following link to assist to the event for more things to do in DC: After-school_learn how to code_Silver Spring Maryland
You can subscribe to the newsletter for more live and to stay tuned to our event in the Washington DC area. We are also on social medias (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube).
If you have any questions, we can be reach at the following adress:
See you soon in DC. ;-)