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Things to do in dc with your kids: STEM robotics after-school for kids in Silver Spring Maryland

Hello there,

One more day and we are already in June. I can't believe how fast the year goes and how many STEM after-school activities whe have done in Washington DC and Maryland on 3D printing, 3D modelisation, coding and more.

Summer time is coming with it's load of activities such as our STEM summer camp that you can check and subscribe with the following link: STEM Summer camp 2019 for kids in Washington DC

By waiting this moment, we do have a couple of free events coming up in June in Silver Spring Maryland and DC such as:

The one we want to focus on today is the Free STEM robotics after-school we organise on June 4th from 7:30 to 8:30 pm at the Silver Spring Library in Maryland for your kids with a lot of things to do. It will be the 4th floor, room 4-7 at the following adress:

  • 900 Wayne Ave, Silver Spring, MD, 20910

The pogram would be as follow:

  • Intro to coding

  • Intro to robotics

  • Intro to the coding software

  • Write your first program

  • Code the robot

  • Make the robot evolves in it's environnement

So do not hesitate and sign up with the following link: STEM after school robotics for kids in Silver Spring Maryland

Feel free to invitate to come with your family, neighbors, friends.

If you like our article, events and tutorials, please subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of our website ( You can also find us on social medias (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube).

See you soon with your kids if you live in the Washington DC area and are looking for STEM robotics after-school activities for them. You can also check our STEM summer camp 2019 in Washington DC.

See you there. ;-)


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