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Arduino day 2019: Robotics and coding STEM after-school for kids in Silver Spring Maryland and Washi

Hey there,

How are you doing?

Hope this writing finds you well. To continue on the wellness, I want to continue the conversation we have started last time in a previous article.

It was to invite you at the Raspberry pi Birthday we organise in Silver Spring Maryland for your kids, but you can still check it out and even sign up with the following link: Raspberry pi Birthday Jam 2019

But today, we are talking about a board which is there a bit longer than the raspberry pi and it is of course the arduino board.

To be straight with you, on Saturday, March 16th 2019 they celebrate their birthday worldwide with all the makers around the world doing their part. It will be Arduino day 2019.

So, if you live in the Washington DC area (Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia) and even in Pennsylvannia, you are invited to assist to our free STEM event on robotics for your kids.

During this free STEM event, you will be able to see our differents project made of arduino board. And also the following topics with your kids:

It will be on March 16th 2019 from 3 to 5 pm at the Silver Spring library in Maryland at the following adress:

  • 900 Wayne ave, Silver Spring 20910 Maryland

in the meeting room (3rd floor)

If your children are 4 years old and older, feel free to subscribe with the following link: Arduino day 2019 - Robotics and coding STEM after-school for kids in Washington DC

More STEM events are coming in the area. Please free to subscribe to our newsletter (at the bottom of our front page) and don't miss an event or STEM tutorials (on electronics, robotics, 3D printing, coding...). Our social media are also a good way to connect with us (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and youtube). Don't forget to subscribe.

Let me know if you have any suggestions.

See you at the event or early.

Take care.


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