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Linux Foundation: Promote the open-source way

Hi Everyone,

If all of you read this article today, it's because you are part of the maker and opensouce movement that changes our way to create and also create a new economy. By this, I want to say: the drones, arduino, beaglebone, programming, Raspberry pi and more. But don't forget when we say raspberry pi, there is a little Linux hidding behind this, sorry!!! I want to sy big Linux. :-)))

Actually, I want to introduce you to Linux Foundation. Linux foundation is a non-profit consortium with purpose to spread all around the world the Linux Image and the open-source to do things. It could be IOT, Server, Programming, the cloud, Linux system administration, embedded Linux and more.

The Linux foundation also organises conferences and events all around the world (Asia, Europe, America...) to promote that opened approach to do things.

The next one is actually on February 7th 2017 in Portland, Oregon with "Cloud Native'' as a topic.

A few more are coming ad are spread during all the year and and all the planet.

More details about the events and the foundation are available at: Linux Foundation

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See you for another writing. ;-)


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