Prime Air: The delivery drone by Amazon

Hi every friends maker. In the maker world a lot of new things happen every day. We are talking about 3D printing, robotics, electronics, Arduino, Raspberry pi, drone and more. Drone i said, yeah something is going one now with the Giant Amazon.
The idea spreads on internet one year ago that Amazon wanted to make a fully autonomus delivery with a drone. Now it's official, They made their first test in a rural place and it seems to work.:-)
The drone has been baptised Prime Air and it's first test has been made on december 7th 2016 in Cambridgeshire in England and took 13 minutes to be delivered to the customer.
Hopefully if you got a amazon warehouse not to far, you just need to order on the amazon website and be delivered in up to 30 minutes, i mean in the future. The drone can fly at 400 feet, carry a 5lbs payload , an average of 60mph, got sensors and a GPS to fly in autonomy to the customer.

That seems a big path forward to the drones in general and the delivery sector( i'm talking UPS, USPS and others). The other parts as usual are the jobs in those sectors might be in jeopardy.
I think it's only a beginning and that more is coming in that sector about how we want to be delivered tomorow and how fast.
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