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Elementary school science project: How to make a Soda Geyser Experiment
In this short STEM tutorial we will see a nice elementary school science project for kids step-by-step. It will be how to make a soda geyser

Entertainment for kids: How to make a giant bubble maker
You want to make a giant bubble maker at home step-by-step with dish soap, a cup in a couple of minutes, check out this tutorial.

Scratch day 2023 event in DC : Learn how to code from scratch with Lego robotics for kids
Your kids love Lego, robots and want to learn to code. Code join us if you are looking for fun things to do in dc with your kids. Check it o

Scratch Week 2023: Easy coding for kids with Scratch online event
Come join us online for the 2023 Scratch week event where we will see easy coding for kids, learn coding and more. Check it out.

Getting started in chemistry for kids: Learn how to make a liquid density tower
In this STEM tutorial on chemistry, the kids can learn how to make a density tower from scratch and understand the principles behind the con

Online live coding class for kids: Learn to code from scratch - STEM - 9
Hey all of you , Thank you for reading and share the events with us If you are here, it's maybe because your children like STEM or maybe...
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