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Learn Electronics for Kids: How to install the Arduino IDE software on your computer
In this quick tutorial, learn how to get started with the Arduino software. Where to download, install it and start coding with it.

Electronics Projects for Kids: Learn how to measure distance using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor
In this tutorial, you can learn and practice how to make a proximity sensor for less than 30 dollars in 30 minutes at home with an Arduino

Electronics Projects for Kids: Learn Arduino - Motion detection with Arduino and PIR Sensor.
In this quick tutorial, we'll see how to make a motion detector sensor with an Arduino board and a PIR sensor. A bit of electronics and codi

Electronics project for kids: How to learn Arduino programming with push-button controlled LED
You are new to electronics and coding and looking for projects for you and your kids. Learn the basics of electronics by turning on a LED

How to create a DIY proximity sensor with an Arduino Uno board and an ultrasonic sensor
In this tutorial, learn how to make a DIY proximity sensor with an arduino uno board and a ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04. It will go from the el
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