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Pi Day 2017 workshop in the Washington DC Area

Hello everyone,

Thank you all for coming on our website to get the last news about the STEM events around the world.

The next one is the Pi Day 2017. What is Pi day? You all when you were in school at your favourite Mathematics class had heard that pi that is equal 3.1415. Yeah, you remember now, but 3.1415 is only a shorcut. It can continue to millions of digits after the coma. But that greek letter got it's day and it's celebrate it for mathematics (STEM).

Some groups around DC will meetup and make workshops on Mathematics, Data, Data science, data analysis and more.

You can have look on the piday website for more details: Piday_2017

If you want to meet us that day, we do organise a workshop but on 3D printing (Still a STEM program i want to say, :-) ).

The link to the meetup is this on: 3D Printing meetup in DC.

If you like our articles and our differents events in the Washington DC area, you can subcribe to our newsletter, our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram and Youtube) and don't miss our differents events and news around the place.

See you very soon for more news.


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